Monday, April 30, 2012

Block Island

We went on the ferry to block island not too long ago.  It was my first time going so I did not know what to expect.  It was much colder than I thought, especially when the sun was blocked by the clouds and misty sprits of water combined with wind brushed against any exposed skin.  Nonetheless, I was convinced on having a good time.  I had loose clothing on and did not layer up so it got very chilly at times while on the boat.  I stayed indoors most of the time and came out every now and then to get some fresh air.  It sure was no relaxing or romantic boat ride.  The waves were pretty harsh.

After we landed, I scoped out the area by eye very quickly.  There were many stores for shopping.  The first thing we did was go into a gift store and buy a sweater.  We then rented some mopeds and rode around.  That was also my first time on one.  I obviously rode in the back while someone else drove.  It was exhilarating!

While on the moped, we noticed some kids trying to ride their bikes down a very steep and tall hill, filled with trees and forestry.  I remember thinking to myself that they must be crazy!  We stopped by a few different spots and eventually went to eat at a restaurant.  I ordered steamers since we were at the seafood spot.  It was delicious and worth the money.  What I also loved about the area was that many foreign students worked there in the summer time.  I really do enjoy listening to the different accents and watching people.  It was a fun time and I hope that I can do it again soon.  Next time, I will be wearing sunblock even if the sun is not out.  During the last trip, I got burned even though it was very cloudy.

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