When I think of WA State, I think of apple trees so I am posting this picture I found on the web. I found it under the topic of WA and apple trees.
Traveling to WA State was a different experience. Although we did not go to too many of the tourist locations, it was nice to see long distance family after many years of separation. The weather was usually cloudy and misty with showers but the sun would shine in between precipitation. What the sky was going to dish out was mostly unpredictable, but then again, we were not keeping up with the news or weather channel. Who wants to do that? It wasn't like what we planned on doing needed precise weather anyway.
After seeing how they lived, I learned why my cousins speak in such a slow, dragging sort of tone. They are more layed back and relaxed there when compared to how we live here, in the East coast. Many of the houses in Olympia, WA, where my cousins lived, were far from one another. They did not have to worry about their neighbors seeing or hearing everything they did. The streets were pretty much quiet. The only excitement we could find on the streets were mostly garter snakes wriggling around. Everywhere we went, there was one kind of apple tree or another. I really liked this.
During the day, the children would walk to nearby small diners and order simple food or go to convenient stores for some yummy candies! In her spare time, my aunt would go to the areas where she was able to pick decorative leaves and mushrooms to make some extra money. They pay by the pounds. I was excited because mushrooms is one of my favorite things to eat!
During one of the nights, we went to see a live band. My cousin's wife is a singer who performs in casinos and restaurants so we got the pleasure of seeing her and her band perform live music in our native language. As the days passed, we had picnics, house visits and simply driving around and checked out different locations. All in all, it was a great experience and I would do it again even if it just to see and spend time with the family.
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